Friday, April 14, 2017


Its a bitch. I feel like no matter what I do lately there is no break to even attempt to catch. Life is throwing disappointment after disappointment in my direction. I have so much to be thankful for and that makes it even worse. Feeling like what I have isn't enough is beyond disheartening. Feeling like I have absolutely nothing to look forward to is slowly killing me from the inside out. I feel guilty for wanting to just give up. Finding happiness is seeming pretty damn impossible when the chemicals in my brain don't cooperate. 

I keep trying. I'll never stop trying. I'll try until I die. I just hope for my sanitys sake we can catch that break sooner rather than later. 

Someone can only pay so much into the universe while getting nothing in return for so long without wanting to flip it the bird. 

Being a mom doesn't give me that option. I have 2 little people that rely on me nearly every second of the day. Sometimes knowing that makes it better, sometimes worse. It would be a lie if I said I never wished to be free of being needed. 

Today is a true test in creating my own happiness. Today I will stop focusing so much on what needs to be done and focus more on what I want to do. Unfortunately, today what I want to do is nothing and for me, with my children, that is not an option. So, instead I will focus all of my energy into enjoying them and just being present in the moment instead of worrying about the future. Clearly all that worry is amounting to nothing more than self hate .

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Succeed Together

This morning, I started my normal stay at home mom, work from home trying to make a little extra money on the side routine. I made my son breakfast and set him up with a movie so I could get in a solid hour of work with no interruptions (haha, yeah-right), I made my coffee, I sat down and started sending out my daily messages. After I sent out my end of month messages for the day, I continued down my list of daily "work goals" and started a video created by one of the top sellers in my company to hopefully work on a little personal development and feed that inspiration I need to keep my business moving forward. (Mind you, all while holding my crying 5 week old and really only hearing every other word of this video between my 3 year old and baby making typical kid noise) and then about 14 minutes into the 21 minute long vlog post something happened. I really don't know exactly what this woman said, how she said it, or why- but, her words pushed my brain and inspiration to click. This "gig" with Rodan+Fields has the potential to be so much more than "a little extra money on the side".

I started this business with the intention to help my family push past living LITERALLY paycheck to paycheck and give myself a boost in confidence by knowing that I am doing something meaningful for my family and providing myself with the opportunity to become successful. Today, I pushed way beyond that and realized what the REAL potential starting this business is for me:

As a woman, mother and wife in a lower middle class household, it has been a smarter financial decision for me to stay home with our children rather than pay for childcare. The cost of childcare is approximately what I would make, if not more. With a new baby, new bills, and new expenses the worry of not having enough is RIGHT THERE. I know I am not the only woman facing this dilemma. I know there has to be tons of moms out there like me, that really want to financially contribute to their household, but feel held back by their stay at home mom status. I know that this can be overwhelming at times, and even depressing. I also KNOW that I can help so many women like myself by introducing them to this amazing opportunity with R+F.

It's definitely not the easiest journey. It's definitely not a get rich quick kind of deal. But, it is REAL. I have the support of so many really successful women in this business and I know that if they can do it, so can I. I also know that if I can do it, so can you. BUT- without each others support we are nowhere near as likely to succeed. I genuinely want to share this opportunity with other women like myself. I want to help you, by helping myself. Look in to joining me in my business. There's no risk in trying.

If you can relate to my situation, I sincerely encourage you to ask questions. Do research on Rodan+Fields. You owe it to yourself to at least entertain the possibility of the things you could achieve if you tried.

Email me, message me on facebook, check out my website. We can do this together, and I want to succeed with you while helping our families along the way.

email me
check out my website
contact me on Facebook

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ease Is Not a Measure of Worth

I took a little break. In that time we welcomed our new son, Lincoln James on February 20th. He is absolutely amazing and we are so in love.

I'm not going to lie, I've been struggling quite a bit these past 5 weeks with staying on point with my mission to seek balance within my life. I haven't been so great at following my advice in working towards my own happiness, but guess what- I've kicked the funk to the side and am bound and determined to get back on track and work double time to achieve what I need in my life.

Adjusting to the SAHM lifestyle has been not so easy. I am fueled by accomplishment and its HARD to accomplish anything with a 3 year old and 5 week old in tow. Being a stay at home mom really requires you to be able to see the value in even accomplishing the smallest of tasks. I managed to unload the dishwasher- YES! I didn't loose my mind on my 3 year old when he blatantly told me NO and then proceeded to jump into that giant mud puddle after I firmly told him not to! woo hoo! I took a shower! Amazing! How DOES she do it?!

Let's face it, my life has been pretty much a month long of sleep deprivation,  boredom, stress and frustration. It doesn't have to be that way though. I mean, I really can't do much about the sleep deprivation part, but I can work on the boredom and frustration by continuously working my business, developing my patience through practicing being more mindful in my approach in dealing with the frustrations and stress I face, and focusing my energy and thoughts on becoming that positive and happy person I  know that I deserve to be.

It really all boils down to just that; allowing myself to find the positivity and happiness I deserve. Stop relying for whoever or whatever to drop what you feel you deserve in your lap and go out and grab it. Make what you want for yourself.

It's not going to be easy to achieve what I know I deserve, but nothing worth having is. Let's work on it, let's achieve it. Make it happen.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Determination in Overcoming Obstacles Results in Greatness

I am really struggling starting off this post. My goal for 2017 is to find my balance and to remain as positive as possible about life. Always looking to the bright side is down right exhausting. Quite honestly, it's infuriating at times.

Lately, I've been feeling that every two steps forwards, I have been shoved 4 steps backward. I know that its not entirely true, in fact, it's probably not true at all. It is how I feel though. Battling pregnancy hormones, general anxiety and depression is tough. I have constantly been feeling guilty for things that are totally beyond my control. 

Totally beyond my control. 


There is no such thing. Yes, life is throwing things my direction that are putting a kink in my ideal plan. Yes, I am frustrated and feeling helpless.Yes, I have felt like just giving up several times. Yes, I have just wanted to scream kick and yell every time I hear about someone else doing things I wish I could do, but haven't been able to achieve. I know that I am trying really hard to pull myself up and out of this funk. I also know that success does not happen over night. Determination is what I need to focus this energy on. I need to rely upon my determination to be successful, happy, balanced and achieve my goals. 

There are always going to be obstacles. There will always be unexpected bad news. There will always be shit you just don't want to deal with. More importantly though, there will always be your will to remain determined. It may be hard to summon at times, but if you dig deep enough, hold your ground against the negative and be stubborn as hell your determination will find its way back through.

Don't let other people, events, news, self criticism, doubt or any other negativity in your life bury your determination. Take a step back. Dig deep and be as stubborn as a three year old at bed time. You owe it to yourself. The pity party won't take you anywhere. Get your tears out, vent to your partner or friend and then make something of it. Use that angry/sad/negative energy to reignite that flame of determination. Step back, think about what keeps you going. Then do something about it.

In the end that's all it boils down to. Just do something about it. Don't sit idle and hope the universe throws your needs into your lap. It will never happen. Pay positivity, energy and effort into yourself and you will get to where you want to be.

Starting my business is what got me started in the movement away from this funk. Finding my determination daily, and focusing my energies on being successful in this business is what's going to get me to where I am need to be. In the process, I hope you reach out to moms like myself and help them find their determination and achieve their goals. Some day soon, I will be successful all because I was determined.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Happiness+Hard Work= Balance

The end of my pregnancy is drawing near. I have made it 33 weeks with no major complications! THAT my friends, is a HUGE accomplishment. Dealing with a high risk for preterm labor pregnancy day to day is probably one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. Thank GOODNESS, this go 'round has gone much more smoothly than the last with S-man.

Three more weeks until this cerclage comes out! But-- who's counting?! (ME! I'm counting! I am so in love with this baby already, but it would be a complete lie if I said that I'm not ready to have my body back!) I have so many things I want to do, and so many goals I want to achieve. It feels so good to be so close to scratching, "staying pregnant for 36 weeks" off of the list.

This Sunday, I will be able to scratch another accomplishment off the list and I am SO excited! I'm going to be hosting my first ever event for my Rodan+Fields business. It's going to be so great to spread the word about my growing business with friends and family, let them see what a gift working for this company really can be, and introduce them to some of the most amazing skin care products available.

Setting goals for myself and achieving them really make me feel like I'm making progress in finding balance. I'm the type of person that gets an idea in her head, and wants to achieve that idea or goal YESTERDAY. It's been a huge deal for me to work on understanding that taking small steps daily to amount to the end accomplishment, is just as satisfying as achieving that sought after end result.

I keep telling myself, that if I plant my seeds and water them daily then I will reap the benefits. I like to think that my seeds are what makes me happy, the water is the work that goes into staying happy and the benefits are what will help me achieve the balance that I am seeking in my life. It sounds super cheesy, I know. But seriously think about it. This is something that can be used in every aspect of our lives;

  • setting and achieving business goals
  • health/weight loss/dietary changes
  • relationship building
  • raising happy, healthy children
  • maintain or improve relationships with loves ones
  • LITERAL GARDENING (I thought it was funny)
No more feeling down on myself for not seeing immediate results. No more not feeling successful or not good enough. No more comparing myself to everyone else. I'm going to keep on planting my seeds, watering them daily and be happy in knowing that I am making all the effort I can in achieving my balance. AND THEN, I'm going to be even more happy knowing that all of my efforts will amount the something fantastic; A happier, healthier me that will be helping to provide the kind of life my family deserves. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Pinpointing What Makes It Worth It

Today I am feeling discouraged.

I feel like despite my efforts, I have made no palpable improvements. I work daily on improving my mood, my life, my outlook, my mark by doing a job well-done. Today, I feel like nothing I have done was good enough. I feel this way frequently, as I'm sure most people do feel that way from time to time.

 It's days like today, that I need to remember why I am busting my butt day in and day out. I have to remember my fight, and why the struggle is worth it.  We all need to remember that living a happy, meaningful life is a process. Days that are discouraging will happen, they will always happen. We can guarantee that happy and fulfilling days will happen too. We can make those days come by doing one thing; pinpointing what in your life is the most important. That one thing or person or people that you want to do your very best for. Use that as inspiration to move forward. Move past feeling discouraged, and sad and defeated. Use that one inspiration as motivation to fight for your happiness and balance.

My motivation revolves around my husband and sons. They are the most important to me in the world. Without them, I know my life would be a much worse place. I add in my determination to provide a happy, a comfortable lifestyle for them, and I have my inspiration pinpointed.

Starting my business has really helped me realize the importance in taking the time to push this method of inspiring myself to the top of my list of priorities. Even for non business owners, especially moms that feel down on themselves from time to time, I feel like this is something truly beneficial for everyone.

Everyone deserves the tools to know how to make their own happiness. This is a great place to start.

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Silver Lining in "NO"

This four day weekend has seemed like a test in so many ways. I've felt physically tested because of the level of exhaustion combined with my growing belly and pregnancy discomforts. I've felt tested emotionally on many levels (hormones, reconnecting with old friends, mom stress, family stress, owning up to my goes on and on). Most importantly I feel like I have been tested in being honest with myself.

Being honest with yourself is not an easy thing to do. If you fill your head with roses and daisies all the time, you are doing a huge disservice to yourself. This weekend I've come to many realizations about the reality of my life. My biggest take away from these realizations is that there are a lot of things that I do and say and act on based upon my worries of the reactions of others. How sad is that? I've realized that I've been living my life, allowing additional anxieties, and limiting myself because I am so worried about what Joe-schmoe and Debbie-downer may think of me. I'm over it. How am I ever supposed to succeed at anything I really want or need for myself if all I do is try to make everyone else happy?

I'm not saying I'm going to start going around stepping on toes, flipping the bird to all of my loved ones, or stop going out of my way to be the best mom, wife, daughter and friend I can be. I'm not saying that at all. That goes against the fibre of my being. I'm saying that I know what I want, I know what I need to do to achieve those things and the only way it's going to happen is if I stop being so passive and afraid. I need to find the most assertive part of my personality and learn to use it. I need to not be afraid to ask for what I want and need. I need to stop sacrificing my happiness because I'm so afraid of being told, "NO". Being timid little (ha ha, that's funny--me? little?) ole me isn't going to cut it any longer.

The word "no" has always scared me. Just in these past three days have I really realized that "no" doesn't have to be a bad word. Yes, it creates a challenge. But whoever said challenges had to be bad? I'm determined that for every no I get from here on, I will find try my hardest to find a positive in it. It could be that, that response is for the best in a particular situation. It could also be that I just need to work harder and look for other opportunities and ways to achieve what I need. Other peoples influences are not going to determine the outcome of my own situation. 

Learning to accept I am the only one that has to live with disappointments by missing out on opportunities, regardless of what  others may think, is a huge part of finding balance within myself.  I'm going to test my comfort levels daily. I'm going to send messages to people.I'm going to work my business and make it successful. I'm going to look into joining that MOMS group. I'm going to make connections and friendships on my own. I'm going to stop shutting myself off just because I'm afraid of what someone else may think. I'm going to find and create my confidence.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Accountability in Making Happiness

Living with anxiety is a really difficult thing to do for anyone. Living with anxiety when you are hormonal, tired and feeling like everywhere you turn all you get is "NO" for an answer is even harder.

Today has been one of those especially hard, overly emotional days. I cried because my son graduated from a toddler bed to a twin size. I cried because we were out of aluminum foil. I cried because my son ate the last of my favorite potato chips. I cried because picking out a changing table for baby was frustrating. Basically, I spent three-quarters of the day crying.

The other quarter of the day I spent TRYING. That makes up for all of the tears. I know I did my best in trying to make a change. I may have not achieved any huge goals, but I did manage to scratch a few things off my list. I did manage to take the steps necessary towards building my business. I did plant seeds, and manage to water a few. I made connections with adult human beings and had conversations. I really stepped out of my comfort zone and I continue to do so daily.

Yes, I am a 31 week pregnant hormonal wreck. Yes, I run into obstacles daily. Yes, I even sometimes feel like I'm running full speed and getting nowhere. Yes, I AM PROUD OF MYSELF. It's crazy! I know! But, I am so proud of myself for not giving up. I know that every effort I make is in the right direction towards achieving my goals in finding personal balance and making contributions towards the well-being, happiness and comfort of my family.

Starting up my Rodan + Fields business has kept me accountable in working towards achieving my goals. What makes you try? What keeps you accountable in trying to do what makes you happy? Really think about it. Happiness is not something that you just inherently have, it's something you work for and achieve for yourself. No one else can make your personal happiness but you. Find something that will make you keep trying and working towards true happiness. You could be surprised how taking baby steps each day towards your goals really helps bring that happiness into perspective.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Make Your Own Happiness

It just happened. I just cried because dinner didn't turn out the way I expected it to. Then, I cried even harder because the stupid (but adorable) dog ate the turkey sandwich-dinner replacement I made for my son. Hormones are evil little dudes. They've been getting the best of me a lot lately. It's way easier said than done, but I'm determined to not let my emotional outbursts ruin anything.

The only thing I can really come up with is to use these pregnancy hormone momentary outbursts as fuel to find something positive. I feel like it's a really hippie-dippy solution, but I HAVE to stay on this balance seeking track. I'm really feeling as though the universe is trying me on this one (especially now that I have to pause to clean up the lemonade my son just spilled all over the place by throwing a blanket in the air that I have REPEATEDLY told him to stop doing).

Deep breaths. Calm down. Seek your balance.


Deeper breaths, slower exhales. It's time to do something productive. Productiveness is key to working through insanity these outbursts. The boy has cleaned his mess, and is now in his room for not listening. Ive done the mom and teacher thing all day. It's time to work towards my goals of achieving something outside of my work title, and position as mom.

I really find that since I have become mindful of searching out and maintaining an identity of my own outside of being a parent and wife(while still totally embracing and enjoying my children and husband) I am finding the balance that I feel I have been lacking over the past three to four years. I really do encourage all of you to do the same.

  There should be no shame in doing what makes you happy.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Turning Doubts into Goals

Times is tough. We just bought a new house, we are expecting a new baby in less than 9 weeks (HOLY CRAP!), my husbands j-o-b keeps giving him the run-a-round on a promotion, our three year old is the most stubborn creature on the planet, and I am not getting any less crazy.

I'm still managing to hold it all together though. Moms are cool like that. We get spit on (literally), kicked around (yeah, that's literal too), and have the responsibility of keeping the entire household functional (yes, I know our partners do their fair share too, but I mean c'mon; be realistic. What would happen if you just stopped momming?). Yet, somehow, most of us still have enough energy at the end of most days to find the positive glimmer at the end of the tunnel. We find something that keeps us from throwing in the towel. What is that something for you? Really think about it.

Mine is satisfaction. The satisfaction in knowing that I am loved so very much. The satisfaction in knowing that at the end of the day my love, care, time and effort is all it takes to keep this household afloat. But, even sometimes we doubt that little shimmer that keeps us going. It's OK to have a little doubt. Its just a human characteristic. But, what if you were proactive in getting rid of your doubts?

What if you just evaluated those doubts as soon as they entered your mind. Is this doubt really even worth your energy? No? Tell it to screw off. Yes? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Stop being a victim of your own doubts. There's no reason for that. No one can control them except for you.

A lot of doubts are BIG DEALS. I get it. It's hard. But just think, how much better would you feel just knowing you are making steps, trying and making progress towards eliminating those doubts everyday? Take 5 minutes. Meditate on what you want to change, then get up and take 5 more minutes to take one baby step towards improving and ridding your life and mind of those horrible, sneaky, mood ruining doubts. Make a list, check off those steps one at a time, if that's your thing (that's totally my thing). Just keep on taking those tiny little steps towards erasing that doubt until it's dead and gone.

My doubt is that I do not do enough to provide for my family financially. Yes, I do work part time, and realistically with one small child (and another on the way) our mid to lower class income, just does not provide the cushion for us to afford full time child care. I have been lucky enough to land an amazing job as a part time teacher at a parents day out program that my child can  attend for free because I am employee, and for that I am so very, very grateful and plan to continue teaching as long as the program wants me.. but, in all honestly, part time doesn't help pay the bills very much. This is where my baby steps towards kicking my doubt out of my mind come into play. My own part-time, run from home business with Rodan + Fields. This company makes it so easy to be successful. You are literally handed the tools to create your own business with a residual income as soon as you become a consultant. I'm still very much new at this, and still working very hard to erasing my doubts, but this opportunity alone WILL be what it takes to be able to focus only on that glimmer that keeps me going and not on my doubts.

By no means do I want to pressure anyone into doing something they don't want to do. I just want to help. I cant just sit here and not share this opportunity knowing that it can help change so much for so many people. Regardless if you decide to become a consultant with my team or not, I do want to encourage all of you to tell your doubts to go to hell, and if its not that easy then to take those steps towards turning them into a positive aspect of your daily life, rather than letting them ruin it. Setting and achieving goals really does make you feel like a super hero.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Moody but Optimistic

Being pregnant is a lot like being an overly sensitive, bloated, 15 year old going through puberty again. It's really not that fun. Lately, everything has made me cry. My mood swings fluctuate between annoyingly overly optimistic and happy, to a literal sobbing mess.

My husband has been amazing. He never lashes back when I lash out at him (for the verbal lashings, I am incredibly sorry. Hormones make you do and say things that you don't mean). I think my son has learned a lot. Mostly, that the wrath of mommy in this state is a scary one. He's done a lot of growing up over these past 30 weeks. He's learned to be more independent and has gained much more control over his behavior. My little man isn't really acting much like a toddler anymore and more and more like kid everyday. It's crazy and amazing all at the same time.

I've learned a lot too. I don't really know how to put into words what I've learned, but I know that I've changed. I guess when I think about it, the biggest thing I've come to realize during this pregnancy is that it's OK to do what's best for you, even if it isn't ideal for others around you. Being in a high risk pregnancy (for preterm labor), you really aren't left with much of an option. It's either follow the doctors orders or put you and your baby at even more of a risk.

I've worked really hard at trying to eliminate unnecessary stress and tried to put more focus on achieving things that make me happy. This is actually a really hard thing to do. In my opinion there is no such thing as leading a stress-free life. But, there is such a thing as choosing your battles, letting negativity roll off your back and doing the best you can with what you have. If what you have isn't enough, then work hard to get to a point where you feel its enough. I'm not sure if it's just me, but knowing that I'm doing the best I can and making effort in trying to make improvement, is one of the biggest and best stress relievers.

This is another way I am working to find balance in my life. Working towards achieving big goals not only relieves a great amount of stress, but it's providing me with motivation to get to where I want to be in life. I'm finding that by setting goals with one thing (for me, in particular is starting my Rodan + Fields business off the successfully) is inspiring me to make steps towards setting other goals.

To be a well rounded, and balanced person I feel you need to create small achievable goals towards a major goal,  while standing up to your existing responsibilities.  These goals make you feel good, and create a sense of accomplishment, happiness and a way to be proud of yourself. I think the happiest people are those that are proud of what they have done and excited to do what they have planned. 

Make plans to set yourself up for success, I guess is what I'm trying to say. That's what I'm aiming for myself.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Be Afraid Not to Try

I've started a new thing. When I'm feeling down on myself or hopeless, I've started looking up inspirational quotes on Pinterest. Today, after looking at my bank account and starting to doubt some of my recent decisions I felt particularly woeful and felt the need to reverse the mood by doing the search. Today, I came across this:

This simple statement resonated with me on SO MANY levels. My whole life I have held myself back from so much just because I was afraid to fail. It could be in the instance of simply talking to new people because I was afraid of what they would think of me, applying for a job, or even simply just going out and doing something on my own. I've decided enough is enough! I'm not going to be afraid anymore.

I do not want my children to miss out on the many opportunities I have allowed myself to sit out of because they were too afraid of "what ifs...". From here on, if I genuinely think that something sounds like fun or looks like a great opportunity, I'm going to jump on in. I want my sons to be vibrant, outgoing, fun, and respectful. I will lead by example.

I'm certain that with the level of anxiety that I experience on a daily basis, this is not going to be an easy feat. I'm also certain, though, that if I try I can and will achieve this goal. It will take lots of stepping outside of my comfort zone. There will be lots of learning to balance between being a naturally introverted person but yearning to be social individual.

If anything, I know my Rodan + Fields business will allow me to achieve this goal. I am determined to make this business a success and I feel it will push me to step outside of my comfort zone mainly by making me interact with new people every day. This business is not only going to help bring in a supplemental income, but also help me to achieve so many goals.

I'm eager to tell everyone about this opportunity. Even though I am naturally introverted, I care about people. I want to reach out to as many moms like me (searching for something to make their own outside of their home life and make an extra income). I want to help people achieve their goals while achieving my own.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Shameless Self Improvement

It's a new year. Time for new beginnings, ending bad habits and finding a fresher, better ME.

...So far, I've gotten better at washing my face, brushing my teeth twice a day, being more patient with my son and having more social contact with ADULTS. With all that being said, It's only January 2nd. (take it one day at a time, right???)

I am 29 weeks pregnant and determined to not become more frazzled with the arrival of this baby. I know that's probably impossible, but I can do the best I can now in the next 6-9 weeks to prepare myself and my family for this huge change that's coming.

If there's one thing I have learned through my nearly 4 years of being a mom, is that I really need to make time for myself, accept imperfections, and balance focusing my mental well being with the well being of my family. I need occasional time to myself, and I need to do things that make me happy. As crazy as it sounds that's why I joined Rodan + Fields. I am the type of person that has to keep productive, busy and constantly feel like I'm accomplishing something positive.

So, yeah. I started my own business when I'm less than 3 months away from having a new baby. You probably think I'm insane, and I quite possibly could be. But, the way I look at it, is that this opportunity is not only introducing me to some great skincare products that are helping to boost my confidence; I am getting an entire outlet to step outside of the box as a mom and step into a place where I am the CEO of my own company. This is something that I can be in charge of, something that I can do by myself without the worries about how its effecting my family or taking precious time out of our busy life. The only way this possibly could effect my family is in a positive way. I am boosting my self confidence by attaining great skin, coming into contact with a lot of really successful women (a lot of which are moms too) and creating relationships (something I really feel I need to work on this year; reaching out and making FRIENDS), and making an extra income to help us get through my unpaid maternity leave and hopefully replace what income I will be losing by not being able to nanny over the summer like I have in years past.

Starting this new business is going to be a vital part in my finding balance with the arrival of our next son. I learned the hard way the first go round. I am not an invincible wonder-mom, but actually a quite ordinary person that just loves A LOT. I cannot be as selfless as I thought was necessary to be a good mom, and I'm finding that, that's OK. In fact, it's perfectly normal. So, along with all the traditional baby preparations (setting up the nursery, getting cute little outfits and other necessities, making decisions about whether to breast feed or bottle field, making a birth plan,  having daily talks with the 4 year old about how life is going to be different and how he can be a helper, the list goes on and on) I decided to start a business too.

If your skeptical, I don't blame you. I promise it's not as hard as it sounds. i have to go change some pee pants. Accidents definitely still happen when you're seeking balance.