Friday, January 13, 2017

Accountability in Making Happiness

Living with anxiety is a really difficult thing to do for anyone. Living with anxiety when you are hormonal, tired and feeling like everywhere you turn all you get is "NO" for an answer is even harder.

Today has been one of those especially hard, overly emotional days. I cried because my son graduated from a toddler bed to a twin size. I cried because we were out of aluminum foil. I cried because my son ate the last of my favorite potato chips. I cried because picking out a changing table for baby was frustrating. Basically, I spent three-quarters of the day crying.

The other quarter of the day I spent TRYING. That makes up for all of the tears. I know I did my best in trying to make a change. I may have not achieved any huge goals, but I did manage to scratch a few things off my list. I did manage to take the steps necessary towards building my business. I did plant seeds, and manage to water a few. I made connections with adult human beings and had conversations. I really stepped out of my comfort zone and I continue to do so daily.

Yes, I am a 31 week pregnant hormonal wreck. Yes, I run into obstacles daily. Yes, I even sometimes feel like I'm running full speed and getting nowhere. Yes, I AM PROUD OF MYSELF. It's crazy! I know! But, I am so proud of myself for not giving up. I know that every effort I make is in the right direction towards achieving my goals in finding personal balance and making contributions towards the well-being, happiness and comfort of my family.

Starting up my Rodan + Fields business has kept me accountable in working towards achieving my goals. What makes you try? What keeps you accountable in trying to do what makes you happy? Really think about it. Happiness is not something that you just inherently have, it's something you work for and achieve for yourself. No one else can make your personal happiness but you. Find something that will make you keep trying and working towards true happiness. You could be surprised how taking baby steps each day towards your goals really helps bring that happiness into perspective.

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