Thursday, January 5, 2017

Moody but Optimistic

Being pregnant is a lot like being an overly sensitive, bloated, 15 year old going through puberty again. It's really not that fun. Lately, everything has made me cry. My mood swings fluctuate between annoyingly overly optimistic and happy, to a literal sobbing mess.

My husband has been amazing. He never lashes back when I lash out at him (for the verbal lashings, I am incredibly sorry. Hormones make you do and say things that you don't mean). I think my son has learned a lot. Mostly, that the wrath of mommy in this state is a scary one. He's done a lot of growing up over these past 30 weeks. He's learned to be more independent and has gained much more control over his behavior. My little man isn't really acting much like a toddler anymore and more and more like kid everyday. It's crazy and amazing all at the same time.

I've learned a lot too. I don't really know how to put into words what I've learned, but I know that I've changed. I guess when I think about it, the biggest thing I've come to realize during this pregnancy is that it's OK to do what's best for you, even if it isn't ideal for others around you. Being in a high risk pregnancy (for preterm labor), you really aren't left with much of an option. It's either follow the doctors orders or put you and your baby at even more of a risk.

I've worked really hard at trying to eliminate unnecessary stress and tried to put more focus on achieving things that make me happy. This is actually a really hard thing to do. In my opinion there is no such thing as leading a stress-free life. But, there is such a thing as choosing your battles, letting negativity roll off your back and doing the best you can with what you have. If what you have isn't enough, then work hard to get to a point where you feel its enough. I'm not sure if it's just me, but knowing that I'm doing the best I can and making effort in trying to make improvement, is one of the biggest and best stress relievers.

This is another way I am working to find balance in my life. Working towards achieving big goals not only relieves a great amount of stress, but it's providing me with motivation to get to where I want to be in life. I'm finding that by setting goals with one thing (for me, in particular is starting my Rodan + Fields business off the successfully) is inspiring me to make steps towards setting other goals.

To be a well rounded, and balanced person I feel you need to create small achievable goals towards a major goal,  while standing up to your existing responsibilities.  These goals make you feel good, and create a sense of accomplishment, happiness and a way to be proud of yourself. I think the happiest people are those that are proud of what they have done and excited to do what they have planned. 

Make plans to set yourself up for success, I guess is what I'm trying to say. That's what I'm aiming for myself.

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