Friday, January 6, 2017

Turning Doubts into Goals

Times is tough. We just bought a new house, we are expecting a new baby in less than 9 weeks (HOLY CRAP!), my husbands j-o-b keeps giving him the run-a-round on a promotion, our three year old is the most stubborn creature on the planet, and I am not getting any less crazy.

I'm still managing to hold it all together though. Moms are cool like that. We get spit on (literally), kicked around (yeah, that's literal too), and have the responsibility of keeping the entire household functional (yes, I know our partners do their fair share too, but I mean c'mon; be realistic. What would happen if you just stopped momming?). Yet, somehow, most of us still have enough energy at the end of most days to find the positive glimmer at the end of the tunnel. We find something that keeps us from throwing in the towel. What is that something for you? Really think about it.

Mine is satisfaction. The satisfaction in knowing that I am loved so very much. The satisfaction in knowing that at the end of the day my love, care, time and effort is all it takes to keep this household afloat. But, even sometimes we doubt that little shimmer that keeps us going. It's OK to have a little doubt. Its just a human characteristic. But, what if you were proactive in getting rid of your doubts?

What if you just evaluated those doubts as soon as they entered your mind. Is this doubt really even worth your energy? No? Tell it to screw off. Yes? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Stop being a victim of your own doubts. There's no reason for that. No one can control them except for you.

A lot of doubts are BIG DEALS. I get it. It's hard. But just think, how much better would you feel just knowing you are making steps, trying and making progress towards eliminating those doubts everyday? Take 5 minutes. Meditate on what you want to change, then get up and take 5 more minutes to take one baby step towards improving and ridding your life and mind of those horrible, sneaky, mood ruining doubts. Make a list, check off those steps one at a time, if that's your thing (that's totally my thing). Just keep on taking those tiny little steps towards erasing that doubt until it's dead and gone.

My doubt is that I do not do enough to provide for my family financially. Yes, I do work part time, and realistically with one small child (and another on the way) our mid to lower class income, just does not provide the cushion for us to afford full time child care. I have been lucky enough to land an amazing job as a part time teacher at a parents day out program that my child can  attend for free because I am employee, and for that I am so very, very grateful and plan to continue teaching as long as the program wants me.. but, in all honestly, part time doesn't help pay the bills very much. This is where my baby steps towards kicking my doubt out of my mind come into play. My own part-time, run from home business with Rodan + Fields. This company makes it so easy to be successful. You are literally handed the tools to create your own business with a residual income as soon as you become a consultant. I'm still very much new at this, and still working very hard to erasing my doubts, but this opportunity alone WILL be what it takes to be able to focus only on that glimmer that keeps me going and not on my doubts.

By no means do I want to pressure anyone into doing something they don't want to do. I just want to help. I cant just sit here and not share this opportunity knowing that it can help change so much for so many people. Regardless if you decide to become a consultant with my team or not, I do want to encourage all of you to tell your doubts to go to hell, and if its not that easy then to take those steps towards turning them into a positive aspect of your daily life, rather than letting them ruin it. Setting and achieving goals really does make you feel like a super hero.

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