I've started a new thing. When I'm feeling down on myself or hopeless, I've started looking up inspirational quotes on Pinterest. Today, after looking at my bank account and starting to doubt some of my recent decisions I felt particularly woeful and felt the need to reverse the mood by doing the search. Today, I came across this:
This simple statement resonated with me on SO MANY levels. My whole life I have held myself back from so much just because I was afraid to fail. It could be in the instance of simply talking to new people because I was afraid of what they would think of me, applying for a job, or even simply just going out and doing something on my own. I've decided enough is enough! I'm not going to be afraid anymore.
I do not want my children to miss out on the many opportunities I have allowed myself to sit out of because they were too afraid of "what ifs...". From here on, if I genuinely think that something sounds like fun or looks like a great opportunity, I'm going to jump on in. I want my sons to be vibrant, outgoing, fun, and respectful. I will lead by example.
I'm certain that with the level of anxiety that I experience on a daily basis, this is not going to be an easy feat. I'm also certain, though, that if I try I can and will achieve this goal. It will take lots of stepping outside of my comfort zone. There will be lots of learning to balance between being a naturally introverted person but yearning to be social individual.
If anything, I know my Rodan + Fields business will allow me to achieve this goal. I am determined to make this business a success and I feel it will push me to step outside of my comfort zone mainly by making me interact with new people every day. This business is not only going to help bring in a supplemental income, but also help me to achieve so many goals.
I'm eager to tell everyone about this opportunity. Even though I am naturally introverted, I care about people. I want to reach out to as many moms like me (searching for something to make their own outside of their home life and make an extra income). I want to help people achieve their goals while achieving my own.
You'll do great!! Xoxo