Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ease Is Not a Measure of Worth

I took a little break. In that time we welcomed our new son, Lincoln James on February 20th. He is absolutely amazing and we are so in love.

I'm not going to lie, I've been struggling quite a bit these past 5 weeks with staying on point with my mission to seek balance within my life. I haven't been so great at following my advice in working towards my own happiness, but guess what- I've kicked the funk to the side and am bound and determined to get back on track and work double time to achieve what I need in my life.

Adjusting to the SAHM lifestyle has been not so easy. I am fueled by accomplishment and its HARD to accomplish anything with a 3 year old and 5 week old in tow. Being a stay at home mom really requires you to be able to see the value in even accomplishing the smallest of tasks. I managed to unload the dishwasher- YES! I didn't loose my mind on my 3 year old when he blatantly told me NO and then proceeded to jump into that giant mud puddle after I firmly told him not to! woo hoo! I took a shower! Amazing! How DOES she do it?!

Let's face it, my life has been pretty much a month long of sleep deprivation,  boredom, stress and frustration. It doesn't have to be that way though. I mean, I really can't do much about the sleep deprivation part, but I can work on the boredom and frustration by continuously working my business, developing my patience through practicing being more mindful in my approach in dealing with the frustrations and stress I face, and focusing my energy and thoughts on becoming that positive and happy person I  know that I deserve to be.

It really all boils down to just that; allowing myself to find the positivity and happiness I deserve. Stop relying for whoever or whatever to drop what you feel you deserve in your lap and go out and grab it. Make what you want for yourself.

It's not going to be easy to achieve what I know I deserve, but nothing worth having is. Let's work on it, let's achieve it. Make it happen.

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